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Assignment 1: Project Proposal

IV Drip & Infusion Bottle Monitoring System


IV Drip & Infusion bottle Set is used to deliver nutrients and hydration directly into the bloodstream for immediate absorption and use by the body. IV Therapy is the fastest way to deliver nutrients throughout the body, because it bypasses the digestive system and goes directly into the organs, resulting in a 90-100% absorption rate (as opposed to only 20-50% possible orally).

Drip & Bottle


  • Need for assessment and management of fluid and electrolyte is the most fundamental thing required. All most in all hospital, a nurse is responsible for monitoring the electrolyte’s bottle level. But unfortunately most of the time, the observer may forget to change the bottle at correct time due to their busy schedule. Hospital uses simple electrolytes bottles with no indication, it may create a problem to patient because the reverse flow is possible, blood start to flow from body towards bottle because of pressure difference. This can be of fatal risk of air bubbles entering the patient’s bloodstream, which is a serious threat as air bubbles in blood can be fatal.
  • Discharge quantity is also a very important factor which depends on the medicine being administered. Typical infusion sets allow a user to manually adjust the delivery rate of the fluid flow by visually inspecting individual drops of the fluid falling within a drip chamber and adjusting a roller clamp accordingly because of that it is solely depend on the judgement and skills of the nurse.
  • Problems with Prior Art

    There are many solution available to tackle this problem but the problem with available devices are that they need to be attached to the system; with drip set for flow rate monitoring and with bottle for liquid surface level monitoring. Most of the devices exist as a solution for separate problems for both the cases. Because they need to be attached and the Drip & bottle set being a disposable system, user needs to detach and reattach every time the bottle is being changed.


    To overcome this critical situation, an IOT based automatic alerting and indicating device is proposed where sensor will be used. When Fluid level/weight is low, will alert the observer by sending a signal to mobile. The Project will be focused on achieving two objectives.

  • To develop device that can measure flow rate from drip and monitor the liquid surface level.
  • To develop these devices in such a way that they can made as a part of the bottle stand.